One of the great features of Oracle's
Business Intellgience 11g foundation is the ability to integrate
external applications via an API call or through the use of javascript
libraries. In a previous article I discussed how to utilize javascript functions
using OBIEE 11g's native UserScripts.js. Today we're going to expand on
this functionality by integrating third party data visualization
scripts. One popular javascript library used for data manipulation is 'Data-Driven Documents' . This open source scripting library gives users the ability to manipulate data using methods not available in OBIEE 11g. Kevin McGinley first wrote about this in 2012 and the guys over at Rittman Mead recently posted an overview of D3 / OBIEE integration. Below we're going to cover all the steps required to implement a D3 visualization technique.
Before we get started, you can view all of the D3 visualization methods at their github. In the example below we're going to use airline data to and D3's Calendar View to visualize average flight delays. You will need OBIEE or higher (this example uses OBIEE and IE 9+.

Step 0: Create an Answers Report
This report should contain a year dimension, a date dimension and an
aggregate fact column. In the airline example I've selected 'Date',
'Year' and 'Average Departure Delay'. Take note of the column order as
you will have to reference the column number in a narrative.
Step 1: Download the D3 Javascript Library from github
This is going to download a '' file that contains all of
the javascript libraries needed for integration. You will unzip all of
these files into OBIEE 11g's analytics ear deployment under Weblogic's
Domain Home located at :
Step 2: Create css file for Calendar Formatting
The Calendar view's javascript code is basically one script, with one
function and one css file. These 'chunks of code' are all stored in the
index.html using the example located on github, but in order for this
view to play nice with OBIEE 11g, we're going to need to dissect
components of the code into isolated narratives and css files. The first
step is to take the css code:
#chart {
font: 10px sans-serif;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.day {
fill: #fff;
stroke: #ccc;
.month {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 2px;
and save it to its own css file (calendar.css) located at:
(you will need to create the directory as this doesn't exist)
Step 3: Create an Answers Narrative to Execute the Javascript Library
Now that we've laid the groundwork for calling the D3 library, the next
step is to integrate the Calendar View code into an Answers narrative.
First create the script headers and link type to call the javascript
library. This code will be stored in the pre-fix of the narrative:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/d3.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/lib/colorbrewer/colorbrewer.css"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/examples/calendar/calendar.css"/>
Next we're going to take the calendar view code and copy the entire code block from the start of the width variable delcaration to the end of the call to the selectAll function. Your code should look similar to:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/d3.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/lib/colorbrewer/colorbrewer.css"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/analytics/res/b_mozilla/common/d3/examples/calendar/calendar.css"/>
<div id="my_chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var margin = {top: 19, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 19},
width = 720- margin.right - margin.left, // width
height = 136 - - margin.bottom, // height
cellSize = 12; // cell size
var day = d3.time.format("%w"),
week = d3.time.format("%U"),
percent = d3.format(".1%"),
format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");
var color = d3.scale.quantize()
var svg ="#my_chart").selectAll("svg")
.data(d3.range(year_range1, year_range2))
.attr("width", width + margin.right + margin.left)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("class", "RdYlGn")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (margin.left + (width - cellSize *
53) / 2) + "," + ( + (height - cellSize * 7) / 2) + ")");
.attr("transform", "translate(-6," + cellSize * 3.5 + ")rotate(-90)")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
var rect = svg.selectAll("")
.data(function(d) { return d3.time.days(new Date(d, 0, 1), new Date(d + 1, 0, 1)); })
.attr("class", "day")
.attr("width", cellSize)
.attr("height", cellSize)
.attr("x", function(d) { return week(d) * cellSize; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return day(d) * cellSize; })
.text(function(d) { return d; });
.data(function(d) { return d3.time.months(new Date(d, 0, 1), new Date(d + 1, 0, 1)); })
.attr("class", "month")
.attr("d", monthPath);
var csv =[];
Notes About this Code
Although this code does most of the heavily lifting and can be left
unmodified, there are specific lines that can be changed and updated
dynamically via the use of presentation variables.
Color Thresholds:
The color variable specifies the thresholds for red/yellow/green. In
this case I deem the min and max ranges of an airline delay to be
between 5 minutes and 30 minutes:
var color = d3.scale.quantize()
Chart Size Adjustment:
By modifying the code for the margin variable:
var margin = {top: 19, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 19},
width = 720- margin.right - margin.left, // width
height = 136 - - margin.bottom, // height
cellSize = 12; // cell size
The height/width/cell size can be adjustable by changing the hardcoded values to presentation variables such as:
- @{Width}
- @{Height}
- @{CellSize}
Date Formatting:
The 'day' variable responsible for date formatting:
var day = d3.time.format("%w"),
week = d3.time.format("%U"),
percent = d3.format(".1%"),
format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");
Requires that the format of the date be specified. The Calendar
View script by default uses a 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. If your OBIEE data is
a MM-YY-DD format or has a timestamp, you will need to modify the
column data format to the following:
Modifying the Date Range:
The Calendar View code by default hard codes a date range of 1990 to
2011. You will most likely need to modify these values for your data set
create a presentation variable that allows the users to change the date
range dynamically:
var svg ="body").selectAll("svg")
.data(d3.range(1990, 2011))
Could be modified to:
var svg ="#my_chart").selectAll("svg")
.data(d3.range(year_range1, year_range2))
In the upcoming steps I will show how these variables can be called.
Step 4: Populate the Narrative and Post-Fix
In the narrative you will need to specify the Date and Metric you want
to pass to the javascript function using the corresponding column number
(see step 0 if you forgot!)
The Post-Fix should contain the remainder of the Calendar View code. This can remain unmodified:
var data = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.Date; })
.rollup(function(d) { return d[0].Metric; })
rect.filter(function(d) { return d in data; })
.attr("class", function(d) { return "day q" + color(data[d]) + "-9"; })
.text(function(d) { return d + ": " + (data[d]); });
function monthPath(t0) {
var t1 = new Date(t0.getFullYear(), t0.getMonth() + 1, 0),
d0 = +day(t0), w0 = +week(t0),
d1 = +day(t1), w1 = +week(t1);
return "M" + (w0 + 1) * cellSize + "," + d0 * cellSize
+ "H" + w0 * cellSize + "V" + 7 * cellSize
+ "H" + w1 * cellSize + "V" + (d1 + 1) * cellSize
+ "H" + (w1 + 1) * cellSize + "V" + 0
+ "H" + (w0 + 1) * cellSize + "Z";
Your narrative should be similar to:
Step 5: Create a Second Narrative for the Date Range
This narrative is optional, but assuming you want to give the user the
ability to modify the date range, you would take the variables you
referenced in the 'Modifying the Date Range' section (in my case
year_range1 and year_range2) and set both of them equal
to two presentation variables like below:
Step 6: View Narratives in Answers
Adding both narratives to a single view, your end result should look similar to:
This guide barely scratches the surface of D3-OBIEE integration but
serves as a great example of how 3rd party APIs and javascript libraries
can be integrated into OBIEE 11g. I encourage all BI Architects to look
through the entire
D3 library and see how D3 can be integrated into their current engagement.
keywords: OBIEE 11g, Data-Driven Documents, OBIEE, UserScripts.js, Answers, javascript